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High School Language & Literature Courses

Language & Literature

All students are expected to become competent readers, writers, speakers and listeners in every area of the curriculum. Growth in literacy is necessary so students can enrich their own lives and function in a changing world. An essential goal of education in Language and Literature is to develop the art and convey the joy of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

The student is the center of the learning process. Students, parents, and teachers are responsible for recognizing individual needs and building on strengths in a developmentally appropriate manner. They work collaboratively to set goals, develop instruction and assess progress. Students are encouraged to become reflective self-evaluators who move beyond basic literacy to critical and creative thinking.

All educators are teachers of language and are responsible for modeling and nurturing the process of language development. Strategies for learning and applying the conventions of language will be taught within the context of the curriculum and life experience. Language proficient students are more likely to become independent, lifelong learners.

To graduate from Shaker, each student must earn four units of Language and Literature credit. Of these, three units must be earned by successfully completing 9th-, 10th- and 11th-grade courses. The fourth unit of Language and Literature can be earned by taking one of the 12th-grade yearlong courses (both semesters of which must be taken for either to count toward fulfillment of the Language and Literature graduation requirement) or by completing two semester-long electives. The Language and Literature Department also offers some enrichment courses, which do not satisfy the English graduation requirements.

Please Note: The courses and grade levels below represent typical programming pathways. Shaker Heights High School's counseling staff can help direct students and their families to the courses that best fit a student's academic needs.  

Course Selection

The following course descriptions indicate the variety of offerings within the Language and Literature Department. Make course selections consistent with your interests, aptitude and past achievement. Higher levels present greater challenges and require greater individual investment.
