Middle School Course Offerings
Shaker Heights Middle School
This Course Catalog contains all the essential information needed for students to plan their educational program. Please be sure to review the information on this page prior to making course selections.
The courses selected each spring will determine the student’s schedule of classes for the next school year. Spring selections will result in individual class schedules that will be given to students in August.
- Academic Supports
- You And Your Counselor
- Math & Language Acquisition Courses Offered for High School Credit
- College Credit Plus
- Library
- Special Education
Academic Supports
To assist students with their academic success, Shaker Heights Middle School provides the following supports:
- Raider Time: Student support that takes place Tuesday through Friday after school from 3:00-3:45 p.m.
- Homework Tutoring Center: Individual and small group tutoring is offered free of charge to students two times per week from 4-5:45 p.m., beginning at the end of September.
You And Your Counselor
The School Counseling Department offers a variety of services to students, parents, faculty, and administration. Students are assigned to one of these counselors based on their last names. For the academic year, the student-to-counselor assignments are as follows:
- Last name A-G: Kristina Longino, 295-4108, longino_k@shaker.org
- Last name H-P: Chamaine Abrams, 295-4275, abrams_c@shaker.org
- Last name Q-Z: Kelly Bailey, 295-4103, bailey_k@shaker.org
Counseling services at Shaker Middle School are designed to meet the educational, social and emotional needs of students at each grade level. The counselor acts as a resource person, a coordinator between teachers, parents and students, and an advisor to the student. Each student is assigned to a counselor upon entering the Middle School and remains with that counselor for both 7th and 8th grade, allowing them to establish a relationship. The counselors seek to understand the expectations and concerns of both students and parents and work together closely to make the Middle School experience rewarding for each student.
How does a student see a counselor?
- Self-referral
- Administrator, teacher or support staff referral
- Peer referral
- Parent/guardian referral
Please submit referrals using the Student/Parent Meeting Request Form found on the Shaker Middle School website, School Counseling Department link.
Math & Language Acquisition Courses Offered for High School Credit
The successful completion of the following middle school courses qualify for high school credit: 9 Honors Math, Algebra I, and 8th Grade French II, German II, Latin II, Spanish II, and Mandarin II.
Upon successful completion of the course(s), the student will earn credit toward high school graduation requirements. All credits earned in this fashion will be reflected on the student’s high school transcript as a “P” for Pass, except for college credits earned through College Credit Plus, which will appear on the transcript as the letter grade earned.
College Credit Plus
College Credit Plus (in HB 487) will replace the Post-Secondary Educational Options (PSEO) and all alternative dual enrollment programs. This program allows students the opportunity to gain high school and college credit by taking classes at a local college or university with which the Shaker Heights City School District has a formal College Credit Plus agreement. Shaker Heights City School District will enter into agreements with local institutions of higher learning that will allow students to complete a 15- or 30-credit pathway toward college credit. Students must be enrolled in both high school and college, and will earn transcripted high school and college credit upon course completion.
Students earn college credit for free, a tremendous cost savings toward a college education. College Credit Plus offers a selection of courses and areas of study not normally available to high school students. Through Transfer Assurance Guarantees, students may confirm that coursework taken through College Credit Plus may transfer to any Ohio public institution. See your school counselor for more information or visit the District's College Credit Plus web page.
The Shaker Middle School Library program fosters independent learning using inquiry as a framework for instructional experiences that use a wide range of resources. We believe that students need experiences in using information for academic needs and to build the habits of mind that lead them to use and share knowledge, as well as to participate ethically and productively as members of our global society.
We believe that reading is the basis for effective use of information and literature in all formats (textual, visual, etc.). It is key to lifelong learning and is the basis for reflection and communication. As information becomes available in new contexts, students also need to become responsible digital citizens. This encompasses using information ethically and using social tools responsibly and safely. The library provides equitable access to information sources, technology, and the tools that students use now and in their future. Learn more about the Shaker Heights Middle School Library online.
Special Education
Shaker's Special Education Program serves students with disabilities through a comprehensive testing program and consultation with special education staff, in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Ohio Department of Education. If your child has learning differences and you have questions regarding the courses, please contact the Special Education Department at Shaker Heights Middle School. Learn more about Special Education/Pupil Services at Shaker Heights Schools.
Types of special education assistance at the Middle School are as follows:
- Regular Class/Inclusion: Collaboration/consultation/co-teaching services focus on special educators (Intervention Specialists) and general educators working together to best meet the needs of students with disabilities as well as children who may be "at risk." Each school operates Response to Intervention Teams to promote data driven instruction, to individualize learning experiences and to effectively integrate resources that would positively impact the child's educational program.
- Resource Room/Intervention Classes: The Resource Room serves children whose disabilities require intensive programming. The Resource Rooms offer an alternative/modified curriculum in a small group setting, which provides personalized options that are not offered in the general education program. These placements are considered cross-categorical, meaning students with a variety of disabilities are served in the same special class. Classes are taught to special education students by a special education teacher.
- Small Group Instruction/Tutoring: This service is intended to remediate deficits and to enhance performance in the regular classroom. The small group instruction periods do not focus on completing homework, but rather work to address skills deficits identified in the student’s IEP. The focus of these groups may include academic needs and social/emotional needs.
Programs are tailored to meet individual student needs. Children identified as having significant needs, such as Intellectual Disabilities (ID) or Multiple Disabilities (MD), will be provided an integrated study of core subjects, mainstreaming experiences to the extent possible and when appropriate, prevocational training, and progressive preparation for independent living through functional/life skills curriculum. Each student’s program is developed and monitored by special education teachers and staff, as well as the IEP team.