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International Baccalaureate

IB World School logo

International Baccalaureate, internationally recognized educational program with a rigorous curriculum, features a global focus and emphasizes creative problem-solving, hands-on projects, inquiry-based learning, and community service.

As IB learners, our students continue to study traditional subjects, meeting all state academic content standards. They are also encouraged to develop the ten attributes of an International Baccalaureate Learner: Inquirer, Knowledgeable, Thinker, Communicator, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-taker, Balanced and Reflective.

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) spans Grades 6-10, linking student experiences across Shaker Heights Middle School and Shaker Heights High School.

The MYP provides a framework for integrating state and national content standards in a way that is authentic and relevant, engaging students through inquiry and other learner-centered approaches.  In this way, curriculum and content remain at the core of teaching and learning, yet serve the greater purpose for the development of attributes and skills fulfilling Shaker’s Mission. Learn more about the MYP from the International Baccalaureate Organization.

Community Project

Grade 8

The Community Project is a collaborative service project for all eighth-graders that provides an opportunity for students to embody the International Baccalaureate learner profile and take action on a community issue.

During the project, students meet with a Middle School teacher-mentor on a direct or indirect service project of their choosing. Project topics have included homelessness, lead poisoning, bullying prevention, animal rescue and elementary reading programs. Students present their projects at a Community Project Showcase.  

MYP Policies

MYP Coordinator

Middle School
Addie Tobey